the calendar

October 28 2013 by Buddy

Hey, we have a calendar for you. And in a relatively timely fashion. In years past Anne has labored over  the 'in house' production of the annual calendar. Some years it just didn't happen. Different formats and papers and binding and the printer isn't working and it's November and where the heck is the calender and all that. Before that there was the beautiful professionally farmed out version that looked great but was expensive to produce. So the discovery of Zazzle is  freakin' fabulous as far as Anne is concerned. Really. Not familiar with Zazzle? It's cool. They produce on demand calendars that we have designed. Anne loves it. We hope you do too.Here's what it looks's the back...Ignore all the stuff about 'personalization' if you go to shop. It doesn't apply to our calendar.And here's the link to ZAZZLE


from the desk of Buddy Mueller...


painting people